Clear answer to credit card vs. debit card

If you listen to a personal finance expert, you may hear conflicting advice when using a credit or debit card. Some people think that credit cards are evil and are the cause of all financial pain. Countless others will support the value of the reward or warn you not to use a debit card online or at a gas station because of security risks.

In our previous blog posts, we talked about how to improve your credit and why credit cards are good for you - but we haven't explained to our blog readers what debit cards are, and why we started debiting card. So let's take a closer look at the actual differences between borrowing:

Credit cards help you build credit:

Your credit card activity will be reported to the credit institution, and the debit card usage will not. Responsible use of credit cards is the easiest and best way to improve credit scores. In fact, according to the company behind the FICO score, “people without credit cards are often considered to be at a higher risk than those responsible for managing credit cards.”

Credit cards offer rewards and other benefits:

Banks earn money from merchants at any time you shop, and credit cards cost much more than debit cards. These fees enable banks to offer you a wide range of rewards and benefits, including:

  • Cash back, airline miles, Amazon credit card, etc.
  • Extended warranty
  • If your item is lost or stolen, please purchase protection
  • If you find another item at a lower price elsewhere, the price will be reversed.
  • Car insurance
  • Emergency roadside car rescue
  • Travel protection If you have to cancel your trip, your baggage is delayed or lost, or your flight is delayed or cancelled.
  • Exclusive invitations and offers, such as pre-sale tickets for concerts
  • More (please check your card for details)

Credit cards provide better security and fraud protection:

When the credit card is stolen, it is the bank's money. When a debit card is stolen, it is your money. While most banks will make you a whole, the laws that involve debit cards don't actually require them to do so. In addition, you will not be able to use your funds until the bank corrects them.

Credit cards do not limit your use of funds:

Most gas stations, hotels and car rental companies keep what you buy on your account. If you use a debit card, these are funds that you will not be able to access until they are cleared, usually not for a few days.

Debit cards help you keep your budget:

The money will come out of your checking account right away, so you won't have any surprises at the end of the month.

No bills to pay with a debit card:

No billing means less trouble, and no unexpected late fees.

In conclusion

The last two benefits of debit cards are undoubtedly very important, and we will not blame people for giving up rewards and better credit for better control and convenience...