
If you want to use your credit card in the right way, you don't have to give up your credit card altogether - although if you know that you can easily abuse your credit card, this is not a bad strategy.

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Only a few days away from holidays, you may feel that Black Friday advertising is inevitable. You may also start thinking about another less commercial part of the holiday – you are grateful this year. On the debit card, we thank anything that makes personal finances easy and stress-free.

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Free money from your credit card company will never be a bad thing, as long as you keep your payment – are you? In most cases, no. As long as you pay your bills in full and on time, it's usually a good thing to earn more. However, if you pay an annual fee on the card, your reward income may not be as valuable as it seems.

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You have heard it before, and you may hear it again - it is important to have a good credit score. If your credit score is high, you are showing the lender that you are a good risk. This means that you are more likely to repay the loan (or credit card bill, etc.) on time and in full.

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People without a credit card are usually the hardest to apply for a credit card. This is because most credit card issuers require applicants to have some form of credit history, including credit scores, to approve new credit card applications.

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A recent report showed that college students have an average of more than four credit cards with a total balance of more than $3,000. Some students have credit card debts of up to $7,000. Graduating with so many credit card debts will hinder you from entering the real world, especially if you missed a payment or default.

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When you get your first credit card, it feels a bit like free money. You can go shopping (even if you just buy groceries!) and don't see the money flying away from your checking account. Although it feels interesting now, unfortunately, you still have to pay for these things in the future.

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Developing good credit habits can be an important part of a safe financial future – so how do you do that? Consider the following five ways to get the most out of your credit card to improve your credit score.

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Your credit is like your health. In order to keep it in good condition, you need to take care of it, minimize risk, pay attention to warning signs, and make responsible decisions. Here are six healthy credit habits to help you control your finances and build good credit.

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If you have a credit card balance every month, it may be easier to pay off your debts faster than you think. The key is to make a good plan and stick to it. These four strategies can help you decide which path you should take to quickly pay off your credit card debt.

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